• Sand Dunes
Sand dunes
Sand dunes in Gobi desert in Mongolia. It is the biggest sand dunes in Mongolia called Khongoryn Els (Хонгорын элс) also called the “Singing Sands”. It is located in the Gobi Gurvansaikhan National Park (Говь гурван сайхан байгалийн цогцолбор газар) in Ömnögovi Province / aimag (Өмнөговь аймаг) in southern Mongolia. The sand dunes is favourite tourist destination.

Sand Dunes

Sand Dunes

Sand dunes
Sand dunes in Gobi desert in Mongolia. It is the biggest sand dunes in Mongolia called Khongoryn Els (Хонгорын элс) also called the “Singing Sands”. It is located in the Gobi Gurvansaikhan National Park (Говь гурван сайхан байгалийн цогцолбор газар) in Ömnögovi Province / aimag (Өмнөговь аймаг) in southern Mongolia. The sand dunes is favourite tourist destination.