• Mongolian Nature – Khövsgöl Lake
Mongolian nature - Khövsgöl lake
Mongolian nature – Khövsgöl lake or Chuvsgul. Green steppe meadow on the lakeshore. In the background blue sky and big white cloud. At the lake, cows and yaks graze around a lone tree and a rusty undercarriage. Khövsgöl is the largest fresh water lake in Mongolia by volume. Other names of the lake are Khuvsgul, Hovsgol or Hövsgöl. The Mongolian name is Хөвсгөл нуур [Höwsgöl núr], Хөвсгөл далай [Höwsgöl dala] (Ocean Khövsgöl) or Далай ээж [Dalai éj] (Ocean Mother).

Mongolian Nature – Khövsgöl Lake

Mongolian Nature – Khövsgöl Lake

Mongolian nature - Khövsgöl lake
Mongolian nature – Khövsgöl lake or Chuvsgul. Green steppe meadow on the lakeshore. In the background blue sky and big white cloud. At the lake, cows and yaks graze around a lone tree and a rusty undercarriage. Khövsgöl is the largest fresh water lake in Mongolia by volume. Other names of the lake are Khuvsgul, Hovsgol or Hövsgöl. The Mongolian name is Хөвсгөл нуур [Höwsgöl núr], Хөвсгөл далай [Höwsgöl dala] (Ocean Khövsgöl) or Далай ээж [Dalai éj] (Ocean Mother).