• Lilium Blossom
Lilium Blossom
Lilium Blossom. Macro photography of the reproductive organs of a pink-colored Lily (Lilium sp.) flower. Bulbiferum; Fire Lily with pollen-covered anthers and the long pistil. Macro, shallow depth of field photo of the center of a blossoming pink lilly (Lilium Martagon) with only the top of the stigma and the tips of the anthems in focus.

Lilium Blossom

Lilium Blossom

Lilium Blossom
Lilium Blossom. Macro photography of the reproductive organs of a pink-colored Lily (Lilium sp.) flower. Bulbiferum; Fire Lily with pollen-covered anthers and the long pistil. Macro, shallow depth of field photo of the center of a blossoming pink lilly (Lilium Martagon) with only the top of the stigma and the tips of the anthems in focus.